Hall Booking Online Knowledge Base

Here's what we found for Embed Calendar

Embedding the Public Calendar in Other Websites
Your public calendar can be added to other website. It works on Wordpress, Wix, Squarespace and othe...

Removing the Information Pages
You can decide which pages are shown along with the booking calendar. Most pages: About the Venue, H...

Changing the Calendar from Sunday - Monday to Monday - Sunday
You can choose between a Monday to Sunday calendar, or Sunday to Saturday. Go to Settings >> A...

Displaying the Calendar as a List
Choose 'list view' on the calendar page. You can set this as the default calendar view for visitors ...

Why are private bookings visible on the calendar?
If you're logged in as an administrator, you're always able to see what the bookings are. If you're...

Printing / Emailing the Calendar
On the administrator's calendar page, click on Export as PDF. The PDF can be printed or sent as an a...

Privacy: Displaying Bookings on the Public Calendar
Hirers can choose the privacy level when making a booking request. The privacy option affects how t...

Adding Bookings
There are two kinds of bookings at most venues: your regular hirers and one-off bookings. If you're ...

'+ New Booking' Not Showing On Public Calendar
Administrators control whether the public can make bookings. Head to Settings >> Booking Date ...

Blocking New Bookings
You can block all new public bookings by going to the settings page. Choose the option to block New ...

What is Hall Booking Online
Hirers can see a calendar of all the bookings for your venue. They can make a booking which the Boo...

The 60-Day Evaluation of Hall Booking Online
During the evaluation, we'll set you up with a fully-functional set of booking pages. The demonstrat...

Adding New Administrators
You can invite other people to become administrators. You can also set whether they are allowed to ...

Exporting Calendar Data
Your venue's bookings data is portable: you can export it either as a backup (we back up too) or to ...

Allowing Repeat Bookings by the Public
By default,  Administrators make regular bookings (repeating weekly, monthly etc) and the gener...

Importing Existing Bookings
If you have existing bookings on another system - or just written down on paper - it's easy to trans...

Adding / Editing the Rooms in Your Venue
A subscription includes up to eight facilities (usually rooms) which make up your venue.  If yo...

Data Storage - Time Limits
Data is stored going back the previous two calendar years.  e. g. If the year is currently 202...

Switching from Evaluation to 'Live'
The evaluation pages and the ‘live’ pages are the same.  You don't need to make any changes...

Adding a time buffer between bookings
Some venues have a rule where bookings cannot be consecutive: there is a minimum space between booki...

The Booking Process
The hirer views the calendar to check if the venue is available. He/she then fills in the booking re...

Changing Room Colours on the Calendar.
Go to Settings. Click on Edit Rooms. On the room management page, you'll see a list of rooms for yo...

Changing the Order of Rooms on the Calendar
Go to Settings >> Room Management. Click on Change Display Order. Drag the rooms to change the...

Sending an Invoice
First, find the booking(s) you want to invoice. You can do this from the from the Awaiting Approval...

Viewing and Restoring Deleted Bookings
The system keeps bookings for 60 days following deletion.  In that time, you can see the bookin...

Limiting How Far in the Future Hirers Can Book
You can set the limit for how far in the future your venue accepts bookings. Head to Settings, and a...

Time Limits (Opening Hours) for Bookings
You can set the earliest and latest time that your venue can accept bookings. Head to Settings >&...

Allowing Public Repeat Bookings
By default,  Administrators make regular bookings (repeating weekly, monthly etc) and the gener...

Setting Up Your Venue for Online Booking
Setting up online booking for your venue is straightforward! Follow the steps below and you'll be up...

Looking for more help?

Check out our PDF Guide or contact us if you need more assistance.