Hall Booking Online Knowledge Base

Importing Existing Bookings

If you have existing bookings on another system - or just written down on paper - it's easy to transfer them across to Hall Booking Online.

The best system is to enter your regular bookings first (the ones that repeat on a pattern) and then add your one-off bookings.

For regular bookings - for example, the same time each week, you can just add the event once and then set it to repeat each week. You'll need to be logged in as an admin to do this.

You can add five kinds of regular bookings:

  • Weekly Bookings - repeating the same day and time each week
  • Daily Bookings - repeating the same time each day
  • Weekday Bookings - repeating Monday - Friday
  • Alternate Week Bookings - repeating every other week
  • Monthly Bookings - repeating on the same day and week (e.g. the first Monday of every month)

If you have an event which is almost every week / month, it's quickest to add booking for all dates, and then delete the weeks you don't need. Before adding a series of bookings, the system will present all the dates, giving you an opportunity to untick the days you don't need.

You can also search for a series of bookings, and then select with the tickboxes the days you don't need.

If you're adding  bookings that are already confirmed through an old system, you might not want Hall Booking Online to send another confirmation email. You can temporarily switch off emailing while you are setting up your venue's calendar. This option can be found under 'Advanced Settings'.

Useful Tips

If you're logged in as an administrator, you won't need to fill in all the boxes on the form. Admins are allowed to skip the address and phone number, for example.

If you have an event that repeats on an irregular basis, use our ‘copy to another day’ function. Find the event in the calendar, click on it and choose the ‘copy’ button. The form will then all be prefilled. You only need to enter the new date.

Looking for more help?

Check out our PDF Guide or contact us if you need more assistance.