Hall Booking Online Knowledge Base

Adding New Administrators

You can invite other people to become administrators. You can also set whether they are allowed to invite/delete other administrators.

You can also reset an administrator's password if he/she is having difficulties logging in.

Head to Settings >> Administrator Management.

If you can't see the option on your settings page, it means that your account is set as a Restricted Admin. You'll need to ask a full admin to send the invite.

Administrator Management

When you add a new administrator, we will send an invitation inviting him/her to choose a password and log in.

Having more than one administrator means that you have backup when one admin is on holiday!

There are three access levels for Administrators:

  1. Full Admin Rights - Access to everything. Each venue must have at least one administrator at this level.
  2. Restricted Admin - Can manage bookings / invoices, but cannot add / delete administrators.
  3. Read Only - Can see all booking information on calendar - including private bookings. Can see contact information for hirers which is hidden on the public calendar.

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