Help Centre - Hall Booking Online

If you have questions before signing up for a free trial, why not check out our FAQ below?

If your question isn't answered, please send a message, or contact us directly on (+44) (0)1206 912185.

Alternatively, send an email to [javascript protected email address]

If you're an administrator for a venue - or you're just curious - you'll find lots of answers in our Knowledge Base and by downloading our PDF Instruction Guide.

Frequently Asked Questions


We provide a low-cost booking system for community spaces - such as a village hall, church hall - or any space where you'd like people to make a booking.

Hirers can see a calendar of all the bookings for your venue. They can make a booking which an Administrator can then review and approve.

The bookings are made on the Hall Booking Online website. We can include information pages telling your hirers about the venue, with photographs and documentation.

  • Online Bookings Calendar
  • Multiple Rooms
  • One-off or Repeat Bookings
  • Invoicing
  • Optional Integration with PayPal or Stripe
  • One-Click Approval
  • Personalised pages with photos and text
  • Documentation Download Area
  • Facility for Repeat Bookings
  • Amend or Delete Bookings
  • Automatic Booking Emails
  • Optional Accounts for Regular Hirers
  • Free 60-Day Trial - then just £120/year all included

No you don't! But if you already have one, that's fine too.

Many venues just use our pages. There's an 'about us' page, 'how to book', map, contact info, documentation page and more.

When someone searches online for your venue, these pages will appear in the search results page.

If you already have a website, and just want to add the calendar, you can do that. You can embed the calendar in your site (including a Wordpress or Wix site), or just have a link/button to the calendar. No tech skills are needed!

If you do have a tech-person on your committee, he / she can also use our API to display the calendar on a website.

Yes! There are two ways to test the online booking system.

  • Go to our Demonstration Venue. It's an imaginary location. Make a booking. Then head to the admin side and test the invoicing and approval system. It's easy to use.
  • Take a free trial. It's fully functional and you can tailor the pages for your venue, upload venue photos and PDFs, edit the email messages, and practise the invoicing.
  • To use the system beyond the sixty days, you can take out a subscription. You won't need to start all over again!

The 60-day free trial has no obligation and we don't need any payment information in advance. Set it up today!

The transition to Hall Booking Online is quick and easy ... and we'll support you all the way!

We'll set you up with the booking calendar and some information pages.

You just need to edit the text about your venue. If you have some photos, you can upload those ... or do it later.

You need to do the following:

  • Upload your venue's Terms and Conditions. Hirers need to tick a box agreeing to these when making a booking request.
  • Add your regular hirings to the calendar. You can add a whole year's bookings in a single go, so it doesn't take very long.
  • Add any 'one off' bookings to the calendar.
  • (Optional) Edit the header and footer of the invoice template, if you're using the included invoicing module.

We can help with the setup by arranging complimentary training through a Zoom screenshare. You'll quickly see how easy it is to transition to Hall Booking Online!

The evaluation version is the same as the 'live' version. You go live just by linking to the booking calendar on other websites, or Facebook.

We will get in touch before the evaluation finishes to find out if you'd like to take out a subscription. We'll then send on an invoice - and you simply continue using the pages you've set up.

No. This is all managed online. You can manage bookings from a computer, an iPad or even your telephone.

No. We've designed the system to be simple to use. Administrators just need to be able to go to a webpage and click to approve bookings.

Our system also sends an email about new bookings, so your secretary needs to be able to read an email.

It's just £10 per month. That's £120 per year, paid annually.

Remember - there's a no-risk, no-commitment free trial of our booking system.

The price includes invoicing, online payment processing and all the rooms for your venue.

There's also free support and telephone training both before and after the free trial period.

Yes. An Administrator can very quickly add a new booking. You don't have to force people to go online!

Yes. They can select specific rooms - or the whole building.

Yes. You can write your own description and add photos with captions. If you need to make any changes later on, you can do so easily.

Yes. You can send an email with a PDF invoice. The invoice can be personalised to tell hirers how to pay. For example, you might want to write who to make a cheque out to, or bank transfer details. You don't have to send out invoices: it's an option that's available if you would like to use it.

Yes. We can set up your system for currencies other than GBP.

As well as the UK, our booking system is used by venues in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Ireland.

You can assign rates for rooms. You can have multiple rates - such as local or regular.

You can also have fixed rates for a 'session'.

The system will suggest the price, based on rates. You don't have to accept the suggestion!

Alternatively, you can just type in an amount to charge on the invoice form. You don't have to use the pricing system.

You can also upload a PDF with the hiring charges and/or add them to the description page.

Yes - if you would like to. The system can automatically add a PayPal or Stripe payment link and track when the payment has been made.

Alternatively, you can carry on with your existing payment system(s). Hirers can download booking and payment forms, if you wish. The Administrator or Treasurer can mark bookings as 'paid'. You can put the BACS info or bank transfer sort code and account number either on the invoice template, or on the provisional booking email.

Yes - you can display an upcoming events calendar on your website. This will include a button to click to make a booking.

You could embed our calendar ... or just have a link / button to take your hirer to the online calendar.

If you have a tech person on your committee, he/she can use our API to access the bookings calendar.


He/she just goes to a webpage and checks the calendar. A demonstration page is here. You are welcome to make a test booking: it's not a real village hall.

The hirer then enters the booking details, and we'll send you (and the hirer) an email about the provisional booking.

If you have regular hirers, they can create an account so that they don't need to keep typing in their contact details. They can also look up future and past bookings.

Yes. We can set rooms so that only administrators can make bookings. If you don't want the bookings calendar public, we can arrange that for you.

Yes - you can create a rule that hirers must leave a space between bookings. Administrators aren't bound by this rule - so you can have exceptions where needed!

Yes. The calendar can be set so that only administrators can see the bookings.

All bookings are initially set as provisional.

When a provisional booking is made, the time is blocked off. The system will send an email telling the hirer that the booking is provisional.

The venue administrator can decide whether to accept a booking. When the administrator confirms a booking, the system will send the hirer a confirmation email.

Your hirers' contact information is hidden on the calendar.

There are two privacy settings choices:

  • Private: The event is marked as 'Private Booking' with the start/finish time. No other information is public.
  • Hide Contact Info: The event title is public. The name and contact details of the hirer are not displayed.

You can set the default level of privacy as either 'Private' or 'Hide Contact Info'.

If hirers would like to display their contact information publicly, they can add contact information in the event description box when making a booking.

No. Hirers have the choice of just making a one-off booking, or creating an account and logging in to make a booking.

If the hirer creates an account, he/she doesn't need to type in contact details each time. The hirer can also view all bookings, past and upcoming.

You can optionally also allow registered hirers to make repeat bookings.

If the hirer is just making a one-off booking, he/she can make the booking without creating an account.

Yes. Events can repeat daily, on weekdays, weekly or monthly.

For monthly, you can set a booking to repeat (for example) on the 1st Monday of every month.

There is also the 'copy event' function. When making a booking, you can copy it to another day. You can also find a previous booking and copy that across to a new day.

Your hirers don't need to keep entering all their information repeatedly!

Yes. You can set a minimum notice period for deleting bookings. (e.g. 30 days.)

An Administrator can delete a booking (or make changes to it) at any time.

Yes. We understand that not everyone in the community wants to book online. Administrators can still accept bookings by phone and easily add them to the system.

By checking the online calendar. The hirer doesn't need to call anyone.

You can continue using your existing payment methods. Your Treasurer (or whoever) can update the booking to show that a payment has been received.

If your venue has a PayPal or Stripe account, you can connect that to your Hall Booking Online account. The system will add payment links to your invoices. When a payment is made, the transaction number will automatically be logged, and we'll send you an email letting you know that an invoice has been paid.

When an Administrator clicks to approve a booking, our system will automatically send an approval email. It's also marked as 'confirmed' in the calendar.


Yes. You can register additional administrators. Each administrator has his/her own login.

The system will send a notification email.

He/she just goes to a webpage and clicks to approve bookings. A demonstration page is here. Go ahead and approve something: it's not a real venue!

Yes. We understand that not everyone in the community is necessarily online.

Whoever receives the payments (the Treasurer) can log in and mark a booking as paid. This will show up when an Administrator reviews bookings. If you've linked Stripe or PayPal to your account, we'll automatically send an email notification whenever a payment has gone through.

Yes. All bookings can be edited or deleted by an Administrator. The hirer can make changes to unapproved bookings and can delete a booking. You can set the minimum notice period needed to delete a booking.


Hirers don't need to keep typing in the same information each time to make a booking.

Hirers don't need to create a password for each booking.

Hirers can view all their bookings (past and future) on one page.

The hirer creates the account. You don't need to do anything.

Head to Advanced Settings from your main settings page.


Yes - it's all included in our standard rate of £120/year. We don't charge extra for the invoicing function or connecting your account to Stripe or PayPal.

You can send an invoice whenever you like! For regular customers, you might invoice monthly in arrears.

If you have a booking from someone new, you might want to invoice in advance, before approving the booking request.

You have complete flexibility with the invoicing - and you can send one invoice to cover a single or multiple bookings.

Yes. You don't need to invoice every event separately. Using the tick boxes, select the bookings you would like the invoice to cover and click on 'Send Invoice' at the bottom.

Click to download example of an invoice sent to a regular hirer for three months of bookings.

Yes. You can integrate your venue's PayPal or Stripe account with Hall Booking Online. It's an optional add-on included for no extra charge.

When set up, your PDF invoices will include a link to make a payment to your PayPal / Stripe account.

When the payment goes through, the invoice is automatically marked as paid and the transaction number logged.

Your venue will also receive an email notification that the invoice has been paid.

Remember: you don't have to take payments online. You can also use BACS or cheque. Just edit the PDF invoice template to tell your users how to pay for bookings.

No. The payment is made directly to your venue's PayPal or Stripe account. We do not charge commission and we have no access to your PayPal or Stripe account.

Online payment integration is included for no extra charge with all Hall Booking Online accounts.

No you don't. You can accept payment by bank transfer, cheque, online - or any combination you wish.

Your invoices are based on a template which you can edit to list payment methods for your venue.

If you'd like pricing suggestions, you can add hourly or fixed rates. You can have multiple rates.

The system can then suggest an amount to charge. You can select that - or just type in how much you'd like to invoice for.

Yes. On the invoice tab, click on 'Export CSV'.

You can then choose the period you wish to export. The exported file is CSV format (Comma Separated Values). It can be imported into accounting packages or Excel.

Yes. All invoices are based on your template. The text of the header and footer of the invoice can be changed. Click on the Settings Button and then follow the link to the invoicing section.

When sending an invoice, you can add a message to the PDF.

Yes. On the invoice management page, you can download, resend or delete an invoice.


Yes. You can link your venue's PayPal or Stripe account with Hall Booking Online.

We will add a link to your invoices inviting the hirer to pay online.

When the payment goes through, we'll send you a notification that the invoice has been paid. We can also send a copy of that notification to your Treasurer.

No: we don't take any commission. Also, there is no extra charge or annual fee for linking Hall Booking Online to PayPal or Stripe.

No. If you'd prefer to stick with BACS (bank transfer) or cheques, that's fine. Or you can offer your users a choice. It's up to you.

When a payment goes through online, we'll mark the invoice on your dashboard as having been paid. We'll also log the transaction number.

Hall Booking Online will send an automated email to you (and your Treasurer, if you wish) to let you know that a payment has come through.

You don't need to keep checking your bank statements to see if your venue has been paid. We'll tell you. It's also very convenient for your hirers.

Yes - the evaluation is fully functional, including being able to accept online payments.

Yes - get in touch and we'll guide you through the setup.


On any administrator page, click on to go straight to the data report.

This year's data is shown by default. You can also click to see other years.

Scroll down, or click on the graph button, to see a graphical representation of both the number of bookings and the total time booked.

On the Data Reporting page, you can:

  • See the number of bookings by month.
  • See how many hours are booked each month.
  • Break down data by each room in your venue.
  • View data as both a list and graphs.
  • Download CSV data to import into Excel.

Yes. Click on Download Data to export the data set as a CSV file. You'll be able to import the CSV file into applications, including Excel.

You can download all bookings data, with the exception of user passwords.

Click on the search icon on any admin page. Click on the link for 'Advanced Search'.

Enter the search criteria. This could just be two dates, or a particular hirer.

You can then choose to download the search result data (full or partial) as a CSV file.

Alternatively, you can download everything from a particular year by going to Settings and choosing a year from 'Download CSV Data'.

Yes. There's an API which will return public booking data - such as the date, time, room and event name. It can be used to to create a calendar, or connect to heating / door software.


Sign up for a 60-day free trial! We will set up a bookings page and go through the steps with you.

Yes. You can upload your venue's documentation whenever you wish. This might include a paper booking form, hire charges overview, COVID rules, general information, alcohol licence application or a plan of the building.

When your documentation changes (such as new hiring charges) you can upload the new documentation.

We manage the back end. You'll need someone in charge (an Administrator) to approve bookings and answer questions from hirers. You can set up more than one administrator for your venue, so that there's cover if one of the admins is away.

Yes. Hirers can choose whether their booking and/or contact information is displayed on the public calendar.

Private information can only be accessed with a password. The password is very encrypted!

Hall Booking Online doesn't store anyone's credit / debit card details.

Sign up for a 60-day free trial! You'll be able to test everything fully, and customise the pages to suit your venue.

If you have questions, please get in touch! Send an email to [javascript protected email address] or call 01206 912185. The consultation is free!

You can also experience some of the functions of the booking system by experimenting with our imaginary venue: Casterbridge Village Hall. You can make bookings and then log in as an administrator and approve then. Follow this link.


We offer lots of support to get you going and help out if you have any queries.

Head to our Knowledge Base for setup guides and advice.

You can also download the PDF Guide for Administrators.

If you're still stuck, get in touch with us by email or phone and we'll soon be able to assist.

We can also offer a complimentary Zoom demonstration to get you going. Just ask!

Do you have questions now? Contact us here.

Yes! We'll get the system going for you.

You just need to edit the text of the templates and add bookings to the calendar. It doesn't take long!

If there's anything you're not sure about, just get in touch! Contact us here.

Move your hall booking online.

Increase bookings and reduce the workload!

Try the system for free for 60 days. You don't need to pay in advance.

After your evaluation period, we're confident that you'll want to use our services!

Sign up for a free trial

Do you have more questions? You can send a message, or contact us directly on (+44) (0)1206 912185. Alternatively, send an email to [javascript protected email address].