Hall Booking Online Knowledge Base

The 60-Day Evaluation of Hall Booking Online

During the evaluation, we'll set you up with a fully-functional set of booking pages.

The demonstration calendar (Casterbridge Village Hall) has a number of limitations. There are no limitations for the evaluation pages we have set up.

Specifically, the evaluation allows you to:

  • send emails
  • edit the email and web page templates
  • send invoices
  • add extra administrators
  • link your venue to your PayPal or Stripe account [Optional]

To set up an evaluation, please get in touch with us. You can fill in a form here. Let us know the postcode of the venue and we'll set the pages up for you and send a login ID.

The evaluation we set up for you is the same as the ‘live’ version - except that there are no public links to the calendar. Only you (and anyone else you tell!) know about it.

To use the booking system beyond the initial 60 days, we'll send an invoice to join. It's just £120 per year, all inclusive and you can join by Direct Debit, BACS or card.

You can then carry on using the pages you have set up. You won't need to start again!

If you have questions, send an email to info@hallbookingonline.com or call 07805 648935.

Looking for more help?

Check out our PDF Guide or contact us if you need more assistance.