Hall Booking Online Knowledge Base

Managing Bookings

It's very easy to manage your bookings.

When you log in, the Awaiting Approval tab shows you at a glance the bookings that need to be dealt with.

In the image above, you can see that there are three unapproved bookings. The Hort Soc and birthday party have both been invoiced. The birthday party invoice hasn't yet been paid: it's still red.

When someone makes a booking request, our system will send a message to your notification email address. You can update that email address here.

You can then review the booking. Depending on the booking, you might want to invoice in advance for the hire charge or deposit.

If it's someone you know well, you can invoice after the event. One invoice can cover multiple bookings.

Approving bookings is easy! You can approve a single booking or multiple bookings in bulk.

Do you need to find bookings in a hurry? Use our search function. It's the easiest way to get around!

Next Up : Invoicing

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