Hall Booking Online Knowledge Base

Here's what we found for Stripe

Accepting Payments with Stripe
We can link your Stripe account to Hall Booking Online. Your hirers can click a link on your invoic...

About Stripe
Stripe is a payments platform. Like PayPal, Stripe allows you to collect payment online by credit c...

Accepting Online Payments with Stripe or PayPal
Linking Hall Booking Online with PayPal or Stripe allows your venue to accept online payments. Overv...

Subscription Costs
Hall Booking Online is available on an annual subscription. It's just £10 per month (£120 per year...

A subscription for a single venue is £120 per year, all inclusive.  We don't charge extra for ...

Marking Invoices as Paid
Invoices are automatically marked as paid if you're using Stripe or PayPal to take online payments. ...

Invoicing Overview
All Hall Booking Online accounts include an invoicing system. You don't have to use it: if your venu...

What is Hall Booking Online
Hirers can see a calendar of all the bookings for your venue. They can make a booking which the Boo...

The Booking Process
The hirer views the calendar to check if the venue is available. He/she then fills in the booking re...

Accepting Payments with PayPal
It's really easy to integrate Hall Booking Online with your venue's PayPal account. You don't need ...

Sending an Invoice
First, find the booking(s) you want to invoice. You can do this from the from the Awaiting Approval...

The 60-Day Evaluation of Hall Booking Online
During the evaluation, we'll set you up with a fully-functional set of booking pages. The demonstrat...

Ad-Hoc Invoices
Ad-hoc invoices are invoices which are not connected to a specific booking (or bookings). To send an...

How do I send a payment receipt?
You can send a receipt very easily for paid invoices. If you receive payment by Stripe or PayPal, th...

Looking for more help?

Check out our PDF Guide or contact us if you need more assistance.