Hall Booking Online Knowledge Base

Here's what we found for Adding a Room

Deleting Rooms
Yes. If the room has no bookings, you can delete it yourself. Go to Settings >> Room Manageme...

Adding / Editing the Rooms in Your Venue
A subscription includes up to eight facilities (usually rooms) which make up your venue.  If yo...

Adding Bookings by Telephone
We appreciate that not all users of community venues are necessarily online. An administrator ca...

Changing Room Colours on the Calendar.
Go to Settings. Click on Edit Rooms. On the room management page, you'll see a list of rooms for yo...

Creating Rooms for your Venue
Venues can have more than one room to hire. Each room should be listed separately. In the example b...

Changing the Order of Rooms on the Calendar
Go to Settings >> Room Management. Click on Change Display Order. Drag the rooms to change the...

Embedding the Public Calendar in Other Websites
Your public calendar can be added to other website. It works on Wordpress, Wix, Squarespace and othe...

Adding Bookings
There are two kinds of bookings at most venues: your regular hirers and one-off bookings. If you're ...

Privacy: Displaying Bookings on the Public Calendar
Hirers can choose the privacy level when making a booking request. The privacy option affects how t...

'+ New Booking' Not Showing On Public Calendar
Administrators control whether the public can make bookings. Head to Settings >> Booking Date ...

Adding New Administrators
You can invite other people to become administrators. You can also set whether they are allowed to ...

Importing Existing Bookings
If you have existing bookings on another system - or just written down on paper - it's easy to trans...

Adding Line Items to Invoices
Yes. When creating an invoice, click on 'Show Additional Items'. You can add extra items, plus the ...

Setting Up Your Venue for Online Booking
Setting up online booking for your venue is straightforward! Follow the steps below and you'll be up...

Adding a time buffer between bookings
Some venues have a rule where bookings cannot be consecutive: there is a minimum space between booki...

Editing a Repeating Set of Bookings
If you need to make a change to a set of repeating bookings (a bulk booking) you can make one edit t...

The Administrator's Dashboard
The administrator's dashboard is where you approve bookings and send out invoices. Unapproved Bookin...

Managing Bookings
It's very easy to manage your bookings. When you log in, the Awaiting Approval tab shows you at a gl...

Adding a Repeating Booking
Repeating bookings can be added by administrators or registered users. If you would like registered ...

Invoicing Overview
All Hall Booking Online accounts include an invoicing system. You don't have to use it: if your venu...

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