Hall Booking Online Knowledge Base

Editing a Repeating Set of Bookings

If you need to make a change to a set of repeating bookings (a bulk booking) you can make one edit to cover all the bookings in the series.

You might want to do this when:

  • the time of a regular event changes
  • the contact details have changed
  • there's a typo somewhere
  • the room needs to be switched

Find one of the bookings in the series and click to edit the details.

On the edit page at the top, you'll see the notice:

Click on the link. On the bulk-edit page, you will see a list of dates that the bulk-booking covers.

You can choose whether the change will apply to all the bookings in the series, or just from a certain date. Simply select the start date for the changes - or choose the (preselected) 'All Dates'.

This feature will not create new bookings. If you have deleted some of the bookings in a series (such as bookings taking place during schools holidays), they won't be re-created.

The admin notes for bookings are not changed, so if you have any notes for specific bookings, they will remain as they are.

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