Hall Booking Online Knowledge Base

Approving Bookings

All booking requests are initially provisional. Bookings are only approved when you say so!

It's very easy to approve a booking or group of bookings.

Upcoming unapproved bookings are listed chronologically on your dashboard, such as in the example below.

Before approving a booking, you can optionally send out an invoice. This can be for one event or for a series of bookings.

You don't have to send an invoice. You can click the approve button at any time you like! (Particularly if it's a regular hirer.)

You don't have to approve bookings one-by-one. If someone has made a series of bookings, use the tickboxes to select multiple bookings. Then scroll down and you'll see the approval button.

The system is intelligent: if you are approving bookings made by different people at the same time, it will send one approval notification to each email address.

Remember: you can edit the email and invoice templates on your settings page.

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