Hall Booking Online Knowledge Base

Can you provide training for new administrators?

Yes - we can provide one-on-one training for new administrators.

Our standard methods of support are through the Knowledge Base, our PDF guide and telephone.

We also offer a complimentary demonstration of the system through Zoom for venues which are evaluating our system. We can demonstrate booking requests, approving, sending invoices and tailoring the web pages for your venue.

If you have a new administrator taking over, or you'd like an online refresher, we offer one-on-one training online through Zoom.

Typically this is around 45 minutes. If you'd like more than one person join the session from your venue, that's fine too!

Our online training sessions are available at a fixed rate of £25 per session. We are available most weekdays, until around 7:30pm. 

Get in touch if you'd like to set up a training!


Looking for more help?

Check out our PDF Guide or contact us if you need more assistance.