To make a booking at Staunton on Wye Village Hall:

  1. Read the documents about responsibilities of hirers.
  2. Go to the calendar page.
  3. Check availability.
  4. Click on New Booking and fill in the form.

Note: If you have any queries, please contact the Booking Secretary (contact details below)

If you wish to enquire about use of the hall car park please contact the Booking Secretary.

Please note the following points as it will help you and the volunteers who run the Hall.

  • Make sure you have booked enough time to set up at the beginning and for clearing up after your event.
  • If you get an alcohol licence, please inform the Booking Secretary.
  • Please note also you are responsible for making sure there is no noise nuisance from your event. Please check that noise, especially music, is not audible outside the hall after midnight. Even if you have a late license, that doesn't mean noise is ok till the time your license ends!
  • Please read the "Information for Hirers" which includes all necessary information including how to access the hall etc.

If you have any further questions, please get in touch.

Thank you.

Staunton on Wye Village Hall Booking Secretary

Tel: 07464 096518