To make a booking at Hambledon Village Hall (Surrey):
Step 1: Please contact our Bookings Clerk, Carole Davis, on 01428 683 588 or She will discuss your requirements with you, take your details and make a provisional booking.
Step 2: Once Carole has confirmed that the hall is available, please use the HIRER LOGIN button. It is very important that you have had confirmation from Carole first, as only Carole has access to all planned and confirmed hall bookings. Please choose to BOOK WITHOUT REGISTERING and you will be able to add a NEW BOOKING in the calendar displayed. You will be required to complete a form with your contact details and details of your event. You will be asked to tick a box saying you agree to the Terms and Conditions of the hall use. Ticking this box will be considered the equivalent to signing the Hiring Agreement.
Step 3: The booking will be sent to the Village Hall Booking Team for review and approval. If Carole hasn't heard from the hirer previously, the provisional booking cannot be processed and may be deleted.
Step 4: You (the hirer) will receive an email with an invoice and details of how to pay online. Please check that the invoice is correct (it should align with our published HIRE CHARGES).
Step 5: When we have received payment for your booking, you will receive a confirmation email with details of how to access the hall.
Please observe the following points as they will help you and the unpaid volunteers who run the Hall.
If you have any further questions, please do get in touch.
Thank you very much.
Documents: There are PDF documents which can be viewed online or printed out