Welcome to Casterbridge Village Hall

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About Casterbridge Village Hall

This space can be used to describe your village hall to potential customers. Tell them why it's a great venue to hire.

For example, you might want to list the facilities available. You could write something like this:

The hall is licensed  for:

  • 150 seated at tables
  • 200 mixed occupancy tables and dance
  • 280 dancing only
  • 180 closely seated audience

We have a floor plan here. Our rates for hiring the Village Hall can be found here.

The Hall is located in Church Lane, Casterbridge, Dorset, AB1 2CD.

Registered Charity No. 12345678

Photos of our Facilities

Kitchen with large range of appliances

Main Hall - Seating up to 160

Main Hall with Stage

Comfortable Bar Area

Upstairs Meeting Room

General View of Hall

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