To make a booking at Claresholm Community Centre:

  1. Read the documents: Terms and Conditions and Rental Rates.
  2. Go to the calendar page. Check availability. Click on New Booking and fill in the form.

Note: If you have any questions, please contact the Hall Administrator at 403-625-9493 or email [email protected]. Email replies will take place between 9 am and 5 pm on business days only. 

Please observe the following points:

  • The renter is permitted to occupy the facility the day specified in the rental contract only. The renter must set up for the event on the day of the rental and the facility must be cleaned and all belongings removed at the conclusion of the event. This allows the CCCA to rent the facility for the following day to another party. If the renter wishes to set up the day prior; they must rent the facility for that day. If the renter wishes to clean the following day or hire someone to clean the facility, they must rent the facility for the day following the event.
  • Wifi: Public Wifi is available at the facility although it is sometimes sporadic. The network available is not a secured network and therefore patrons may use it at their own risk. A password is not required to access the network.
  • Cleaning: The renter is responsible for ensuring the facility is left clean and tidy and is responsible for any damage that occurs during the rental period. All belongings are to be removed from the building. All floors are to be swept and washed. Kitchen counters, sinks, stoves, dishes and floor are to be washed. Dishes must be put away and garbage removed from the building. Failure to comply with the cleaning requirements will result in the forfeit of the damage deposit.
  • Damage Deposit: A damage deposit of $250.00 is required from all renters in addition to the Rental Fee and is due 30 days prior to the event. It is not refundable until all terms and conditions have been satisfied, and inspections / estimates are complete following the rental dates.
  • Liquor: If you plan on having liquor at a public event, please provide us with a copy of the applicable license from AGLC.
  • Payment: 50% of the rental fee is due at the time of the booking and must be received to secure the date of the rental. If 50% is not received in the first 14 days after booking, the system will automatically cancel the booking. The remaining balance is due no later than 30 days prior to the event.
  • Cancellation: In the event the renter must cancel the reserved date, the cancellation must be received in writing to the Claresholm Community Centre Association Board, Box 183, Claresholm, AB, T0L 0T0 or to email [email protected].
    • Written notice provided more than six months (90) days prior to event date: 50% rental fee paid by renter (50% refund).
    • Written notice provided less than six months (90) days prior to event date: 100% rental fee paid by renter (no refund).


  • Please read through the "Terms and Conditions" which includes all necessary information including where and how to collect keys etc.

If you have any further questions, please get in touch.

Thank you.

Claresholm Community Centre Administrator


[email protected]