To make a booking:
- Read the documents: Terms and Conditions of Hire and Hire Charges.
- Go to the calendar page. Check availability. Click on New Booking and fill in the form.
Note: If you have any queries, please contact us on [email protected] or call the Parish Office on 023 80462 371 (8.30am - 4pm, Mon-Fri).
Available Booking Times
- Bookings must be made at least 14 days before the date of hire
- Earliest time of booking: 8.30am.
- Latest booking time: 11pm.
- The hall must be vacated by 11.30pm prompt. Please include setting up and tidying away times into your booking request.
Payment & Cancellation
- Payment must be made in full at the time of booking. This will include your hall hire charge and the refundable deposit.
- 28 days or more prior to the event: 100% refund
- 27-8 days prior to the event: 50% refund
- 7 days or less prior to the event: No refund
Use of Inflatables
- Hirers can use inflatables at their own risk.
- Permission will only be permitted when the hirer completes our Use of Inflatables form (see below), and provides a copy of the necessary public liability insurance certificate for the use of the equipment.