To make a booking at Ullapool Village Hall:
- Read the documents: Terms and Conditions of Hire and Hire Charges.
- Go to the calendar page. Check availability. Click on New Booking and fill in the form.
- All bookings will be subject to confirmation from the Bookings Manager as we also accept offline bookings to keep the hall accessible to all members of our community.
- Please don’t publicise your event until the Bookings Manager has confirmed.
Note: If you have any queries, please contact the Booking Manager at [email protected].
Please observe the following points as it will help you and the unpaid volunteers who run the Hall.
- Please ensure you have booked enough time to set up at the beginning and clearing up after your event. We would very much appreciate all hirers leaving the Hall as clean and tidy as it was before their hire.
- Please make sure that your payment is made in good time before your event. We would prefer payment by BACS if possible, but can accept cheques as well.
- If you are applying for an alcohol license for your event, please provide a copy of the license to the Booking Manager at least seven days in advance of the event.
- If you intend to allow alcohol to be consumed by operating a ‘Bring Your Own Bottle’ (BYOB) event, please contact the Booking Manager in advance to discuss. Please note that you will be responsible for arranging stewarding for such events.
- Please read through the "Terms and Conditions of Hire" which includes all necessary information.
If you have any further questions, please get in touch.
Thank you.
Ullapool Village Hall Administrator
[email protected]