To make a booking at Llangadog Community Centre:
Repeat Bookings
There is an option on the form to do Repeat bookings.
If you are using this feature, you still have to go to each date and copy the information over. Once you have entered the details for the first date, you have the option to copy the information over to another date in order to do this. If you are booking 7 dates, you will receive an email for each date.
If you are unable to do this for any reason, please list the dates in the Event Description on the form and in the Message for the Administrator ask if we could book the other dates for you.
Event Timings
Please ensure you have booked enough time to set up before your event and clearing up after your event. We allow you to have half an hour to set up and half an hour to clear away.
For example: - If your event is from 1400 hrs to 1600 hrs, you are able to access the Community Centre from 1330 hrs and depart no later than 1630 hrs.
If you require more than half an hour to set up and clear away, you must allow for that in your booking time.
For example: If your event is from 1400 hrs to 1600 hrs and you require an hour to set up and an hour to clear away, you must book the hall from 1330 hrs to 1630 hrs. Therefore, you would be allowed in the Community Centre from 1300 hrs and depart no later than 1700 hrs thus giving you an hour before the event starts to set up and an hour after the event finishes to clear up.
Snooker Room
You will not receive an invoice for using the snooker room. You will require pound coins to put in the machine by the door inside the snooker room.
If you have any further questions, please get in touch.
Thank you.
Llangadog Community Centre Administrator
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 07484 057494
Documents: There are PDF documents which can be viewed online or printed out