To make a booking at Beeding & Bramber Village Hall

  1. Go to the calendar page. Check availability. Click: New Booking and complete the form.
  2. We'll  then send you a invoice and hold your space for 14 days / until the invoice is paid
  3. Please then complete our booking form so when know a bit more about your event.

Please note: 

If you have any further questions or need a hand with your booking, please email our wonderful Booking Clerk, Julie on

Please ensure the following.

  • Please ensure you've booked enough time to set up at the beginning and clearing up after your event. We like the place left exactly as you found it
  • Please make sure that your booking form and payment is with the Administrator ASAP for us to hold your space.
  • Please read through the  Booking & Conditions of Hire, which includes all necessary information including where to gain access to the Hall, Health & Safety and other policies.
  • If you make a booking, this implies that you have accepted all the Terms and Conditions of Hire and Hire Charges and are willing to pay a refundable deposit if required.