Please use our calendar to check room availability.
Although rooms may look available, there will likely be booking forms that haven't yet been processed by the office. It is therefore always worth contacting the office to be certain a room is available at the time you want to hire it ( or 01425 652706).
Once a booking form is complete, please send it to the office via email or in person (if a member of staff isn't in the office, please feel free to post it through our letterbox).
Outreach Clinics run by various members of the HV Team each Tuesday and Thursday. Includes use of Cupboard 2 to be invoiced at £1 per week You have the NHS purchase order reference and invoicing information - there is a specific email to use
Outreach Clinics run by various members of the HV Team each Tuesday and Thursday. Includes use of Cupboard 2 to be invoiced at £1 per week You have the NHS purchase order reference and invoicing information - there is a specific email to use
Outreach Clinics run by various members of the HV Team each Tuesday and Thursday. Includes use of Cupboard 2 to be invoiced at £1 per week You have the NHS purchase order reference and invoicing information - there is a specific email to use
Outreach Clinics run by various members of the HV Team each Tuesday and Thursday. Includes use of Cupboard 2 to be invoiced at £1 per week You have the NHS purchase order reference and invoicing information - there is a specific email to use
Outreach Clinics run by various members of the HV Team each Tuesday and Thursday. Includes use of Cupboard 2 to be invoiced at £1 per week You have the NHS purchase order reference and invoicing information - there is a specific email to use
Outreach Clinics run by various members of the HV Team each Tuesday and Thursday. Includes use of Cupboard 2 to be invoiced at £1 per week You have the NHS purchase order reference and invoicing information - there is a specific email to use
Outreach Clinics run by various members of the HV Team each Tuesday and Thursday. Includes use of Cupboard 2 to be invoiced at £1 per week You have the NHS purchase order reference and invoicing information - there is a specific email to use
Outreach Clinics run by various members of the HV Team each Tuesday and Thursday. Includes use of Cupboard 2 to be invoiced at £1 per week You have the NHS purchase order reference and invoicing information - there is a specific email to use