To make a booking at Waddesdon Community Centre is really simple:

  • Firstly, read the documents: Terms and Conditions of Hire and Hire Charges.
  • Then head over to the calendar page, check availability for the date that you require, click on ‘New Booking’ and fill in the form.
  • We will then be in touch to confirm your booking.

Note: If you have any queries, please contact the Administrator by sending an email to

Please observe the following points as it will help you and the unpaid volunteers who run the Centre.

  • Please ensure you have booked enough time to set up at the beginning and clearing up after your event.
  • Please make sure that your booking form and payment is with the Administrator a minimum of 7 days prior to your event.
  • Please read through the "Terms and Conditions of Hire" which includes all necessary information.

If you have any further questions, please get in touch.

Thank you.

Waddesdon Community Centre Administrator

Tel: 07934 320885
