To make a booking at Stowupland Village Hall:

  1. Read the “Terms and Conditions of Hire” and the  “Hire Charges” documents.
  2. Go to the calendar page.
  3. Check availability.
  4. Click on New Booking and fill in the form.

If you have any queries, please contact the Booking Secretary on 07515 859337 or at

Please observe the following points as it will help you and the volunteers who run the Hall.

  • Please ensure you have booked enough time to set up at the beginning of your event and to clear up after your event. You cannot get into the hall before your start time and must be out at your finish time.  So if you need time to set up tables and chairs before your event you need to book extra time to do so.  You also have to clean any tables and chairs and kitchen equipment that you use plus sweep the floor and wipe down all frequently touched surfaces such as switches, handles, taps, etc. with anti COVID cleaning solution at the end of your booking so allow enough time for that in your booking slot.  Any litter or rubbish also needs to be picked up and taken home except glass bottles which can be placed in the bottle banks.
  • Please make sure that your booking payment is with the Booking Secretary within 7 days of you making your booking otherwise your booking will be cancelled.
  • Arrangements for getting into the building will be confirmed when you have booked but normally the Caretaker will let you in and explain where things are and also be there at the end of your booking to lock up.
  • If you want a Bar you have to book that separately by emailing the Booking Secretary - contact details below.  If you do not book the Bar alcohol can only be served on the premises with the permission of the Designated Premises Supervisor - details in the “Licences” document.
  • Please read through the "Terms and Conditions of Hire" which includes all necessary information including some important limitations.  In particular please be aware that:
  1. You cannot carry out or permit fly posting or any other form of unauthorised advertisements for any event in the hall.
  2. If you want to put up decorations you can only do so in a way that does not damage the walls or paintwork.  So no Blutack or sticky tape but you can tie things to window poles etc.  If in doubt ask.
  3. No balloons, Chinese lanterns, fireworks or other airborne items can be released from the Village Hall or surrounding areas.
  4. Smoking, including e-cigarettes, is not permitted in the Hall.
  5. Finally, please read the full “Terms and Conditions of Hire” as they are important.

If you have any further questions, please get in touch.

Thank you.

Stowupland Village Hall Booking Secretary

Tel: 07515 859337
