To make a booking at Rowlands Castle Parish Hall:

  1. Read our Hall and Facilities document and Floor Plan if you are not familiar with the hall.
  2. Read the documents: Hire Agreement and  Hire Charges.
  3. Go to the Calendar page,  check availability, click on New Booking and fill in the form.

Please observe the following points as it will help you and the administrator as well as the unpaid volunteers who run the Hall.

  • Please ensure you allow enough time for setting up your event and cleaning up at the  end.
  • Please make sure that your hire fee is paid promptly after receiving the invoice to secure your booking.
  • Security deposits will need to be paid on collection of keys which is usually within 7 days prior to the booking. Deposits can be made by cash, cheque or Bank Transfer, details of which will be on the invoice.
  • Certain activities require a Premises licence, so if you are planning to serve or sell alcohol, play live or recorded music, organise a performance or indoor sporting event, please refer to our Premises License and include details of your specific requirements when completing  your online booking request.
  • Please include special requirements, details of planned activities, or any other relevant information in the booking request.
  • Our hall user guide outlines your responsibilities and provides important information for you as the hirer.

If you have any further questions, please contact us.

Rowlands Castle Parish Hall Administrator