To make a booking at Firle Village Hall:


We ask that you follow the steps below to make an enquiry about using the hall:

1) Before you submit your Enquiry Form please check the  Calendar  to ensure it is available for your event.

2) Go to New Booking on the Calendar

 Fill in the form  with your Name and information

Event title  we mean  Birthday party, Wedding, Quiz Night  

State  what you require  by ticking ie if you want the main hall  Sellwood room ( holds about 10 people for a meeting) use of our kitchen area and if you want to use the  Projector and Speakers etc.

Then add  a start time  and a finish time  we will then be able to cost your event.

How many people attending

Brief description of your event  -  if you have other questions they can be added on the booking form. 


3) The Bookings Co-ordinator will contact you via email to answer any queries and confirm your date, cost of hire, plus deposit where applicable and a invoice for payment . 

4)  Please read the Terms & Conditions   

5) A booking is only secure once either the deposit or full payment has been received by BACS ,this also confirms as an agreement for the hiring of the hall and its Terms and conditions. 

Cost of Hiring the hall -     some prices may vary from this list depending on how many people / and for special events held in the hall.

When looking at the cost of the hall we have a reduced rental fee for local  organisations in our village  Affliation to Hall -  

If you have any questions, please contact the Bookings Co-ordinator

Please note, although the email is checked daily Monday – Friday, the Bookings Co-ordinator is a part-time role, so please be patient when awaiting a response. Thank you. 

Documents: There are PDF documents which can be viewed online or printed out