Farr Community Hall : Online Booking

About Farr Community Hall

Farr Community Hall was conceived to serve the community living in the Farr telephone exchange area to the south of Inverness and fund raising commenced in the mid 1990s. 

In January 2000 the hall was opened, and although co-located with the football and shinty pitches, in the Farr area, it serves the whole of the Strathnairn Community Council area along with the pre-existing Strathnairn Hall at Daviot.

In 2021 Farr Community Hall Association was wound up and the assets transferred to the new Farr Community Hall SCIO, the constitution of the new SCIO can be viewed by clicking on the 'Documents' tab.


The Hall facility comprises of various rooms which can be hired individually, in various combinations, or as a block. These rooms include the main hall area, three meeting rooms; Clachan, Bunachton and Duntelchaig together with a kitchen and team changing rooms.  (see photos below). A floor plan of the Hall and Changing Block can be viewed in the “Documents” section, fire escape routes are marked in green.


Standard hire charges are £20 per hour per room, plus a one off £20 charge for use of the kitchen facilities. Local discounted rates are applicable for residents of the Strathnairn Community Council area.


The pitches at Smith Park are not for Hire outwith the Strathnairn Community.


The capacity of the Hall is 250 persons, we recommend a maximum of 80 - 100 seated with tables, maximum 150 seated with no tables, and 200 standing only.


Farr Community Hall has Wi-Fi internet access throughout, log in details are displayed on the notice board in the lobby. The router is located in the office, near the front door, and wireless access to the internet should be available from outside the building, this may come in useful for residents should their own internet access be unavailable for some reason.

Network is Farr Hall, passcode is farr2014.


Regular activities at Farr Hall:

Throughout the year and during school term-time there are regular weekly activities taking place in the Hall, as follows:

  • Second Monday of the month bi-monthly Strathnairn Woodland Project meeting.
  • Third Monday of the month Strathnairn Community Council meeting.
  • Last Tuesday of the month Lunch Club, 12 noon with lunch served at 12.30.
  • Tuesday early evening SHIFT, HIT and yoga.
  • Tuesday evening SMI music group.
  • Wednesday morning Community Cafe,  with visits from Strathnairn Fish, Post Office and mobile library vans.
  • Wednesday afternoon/evening Strathnairn Music Initiative.
  • Thursday mornings - Farr Baby and Toddlers. Otago for Seniors.
  • Thursday evenings from 6pm-7 pm - Community Keep Fit (from late September through to May)
  • Thursday evening SHIFT, couch to 5k.
  • Friday mornings Yoga class, contact Ali Cartwright.
  • Friday afternoons Strathnairn Music Initiative.
  • Sunday afternoons Sunday School.
  • Junior Sports Activities, contact David Smith.


For more information on our venue, please click on the 'How to Book' and 'Documentation' tabs. You can make a provisional booking from the calendar page.


Photos of our Facilities

Front of Hall

Main Hall - Seating up to 150

Main Hall with Stage

Kitchen with a wide range of appliances

Clachan Room

Bunachton Room

Duntelchaig Room

One of two (home and away) changing rooms

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