To make a booking at Endon Village Hall:


  1. Read the documents: Personal Hiring Agreement
  2. Go to the calendar page. Check availability. Click on New Booking and fill in the form.

Note: If you have any queries, please contact the Bookings Secretary on

Please observe the following points as it will help you and the unpaid volunteers who run the Hall.

  • Please ensure you have booked enough time to set up at the beginning and clearing up after your event.
  • All events must be paid for in advance of the event.  Any events unpaid will be cancelled.
  • If you have a bouncy castle we must see the public liability insurance of the company you hire the bouncy castle from. Our insurance does not cover the bouncy castle usage.  All reputable companies will supply this when you ask for it.
  • Please read through the “Personal Hiring Agreement”.
  • 1 week before your event, we will send you a code to access the hall.  The code will work only on the day of your event.
  • Your booking is not accepted until you have received confirmation of acceptance from the bookings secretary and system. At this point you will be sent an invoice to pay for your booking.  We may have additional questions to ask you before we can accept the booking. In these cases, if we are unable to reach you, we will cancel your booking.

If you have any further questions, please get in touch.

Thank you.

Endon Village Bookings Secretary

Tel: 07783 357454

Documents: There are PDF documents which can be viewed online or printed out