Booking a single event at Claverton Down Community Hall is easy, but please note that the Hall is very popular, so please give as much notice as possible.

Please use our Online Booking System.  If you would prefer to discuss booking the Hall, please contact the Booking Secretaries (contact details below).  

There are three hire sessions each day:  9am to 1pm, 2pm to 6pm and 7pm to 11pm (11:30pm on Saturday).

Firstly, check that the Hall is available at your preferred date and time (click 'Calendar' above).  You should then read our Hire Charges and Terms and Conditions.  These documents can be found under the ‘Documentation’ button above or the links below, and are available for download.  We recommend that you print off the Terms & Conditions.  Please note that we require payment in advance, preferably by BACS bank transfer, or by cheque payable to Claverton Down Community Hall. 

When using the Online Booking System, click on the “+ New Booking” symbol on the Calendar, fill in the online booking form and then “Review the Booking”.  Tick the box to confirm that you accept the Terms & Conditions, then click on “Confirm and Send to Booking Secretary”.  This will create a provisional booking on the Calendar (in a white box) and you will receive an immediate acknowledgement by email.  We will then check your request and email you an invoice as soon as possible, and your booking will normally be confirmed by email (and on the Calendar in a blue box) on receipt of payment which should be made within 2 weeks and before the event.

For our existing repeat/regular bookers, existing payment arrangements will continue to apply (via the Booking Secretary).

For potential new repeat/regular bookers, please contact the Booking Secretary at [email protected] or on 01225 469552 and please note that we will require payment by BACS or cheque.

If you have any questions, please do contact us.

Thank you.

Nick and Sarah Morgan

Booking Secretaries, Claverton Down Community Hall

Tel: 01225 469552

[email protected]

Documents: There are PDF documents which can be viewed online or printed out