To make a booking at Bamburgh Pavilion:

Commercial bookings can not be accepted 

  1. Read the documents: Terms and Conditions of Hire,  Hire Charges and Important Information.
  2. Go to the calendar page. Check availability. Click on New Booking and fill in the form.
  3. If alcohol is to be sold, this should be stated in the Event Description box.
  4. You will receive an email confirmation for your booking.
  5. An invoice for payment will be sent two months before the event.
  6. Payment will include a damage deposit which will be returned after the event if no damage has occurred.

Note: If you have any queries, please contact Susan Gibson on 01668 212517 or email [email protected]

Please observe the following points as it will help you and the unpaid volunteers who run the Hall.

  • Please ensure you have booked enough time to set up at the beginning and clearing up after your event.
  • Please make sure that your  payment is paid one month before your event.
  • Please read through the "Terms and Conditions of Hire"  and “Important information” which includes all necessary information including where and how to collect keys etc.

If you have any further questions, please get in touch.

Thank you.

Bamburgh Pavilion Administrator

Tel: 01668 212517