Bayford Village Hall Somerset<br>Online Booking

Covid-19 - Re-opening September 2020


We have been looking at how to re-open the village hall in a way which complies with government advice and it really important that we have the co-operation of all hirers/users to do this in a ‘Covid Safe’ way.  

A copy of the risk assessment undertaken ahead of re-opening is available on the noticeboard in the porch.   

Ahead of re-opening the hall has been deep cleaned and the frequency of regular cleaning has been increased but we would ask that all hirers wipe/spray regularly used surfaces such as tables/ worktops and handles BEFORE users arrive and again at the end of their bookings. Cleaning products are available in the kitchen and there is a checklist for each hirer to complete and sign. 

We ask that the sanitisers are used by everyone on arrival. 

Hirers are asked to make all hall visitors aware of the posters on the noticeboards which have the five point government advice on keeping everyone safe. This includes: 

  • two metres social distancing (we understand Bayford is a small hall so 1 metre is more realistic but this should be supplemented by other mitigation measures, such as opening doors). In an emergency normal evacuation procedures apply.
  • ‘Test and Trace’ requirements mean that hirers should collect contact details for people attending their session.
  • the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ advice  for respiratory hygiene 

 It goes without saying that you should not visit the hall if you feel unwell or are experiencing Covid symptoms. 

The hall’s capacity has been reduced temporarily to meet social distancing requirements and we cannot accept bookings if hirers aren’t able to comply.    

To reduce cleaning/handling using the dishwasher is preferable to handwashing and drying  

Due to the limited number of regular hirers in most (but not all) instances there is a 72 hour gap between uses. This means that ‘Covid Safe’ is much more easily achieved. 


Thank you for co-operating and helping to keep us all safe. 


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