Beach Access North East- Bamburgh Online Booking

About Beach Access North East at Bamburgh


Bamburgh Parish Council have teamed up with a small local charity, Beach Access North East (BANE), to provide a FREE all terrain/ beach wheelchair LOAN SERVICE for wheelchair users to access the beach with their families. 

We have 5 wheelchairs (see photos below):

  • X8 electric wheelchair
  • an all terrain Trekinetic electric wheelchair
  • 2 manual sporty Hippocamp chairs, one for children and one for adults
  • Debug manual chair which is more suitable for adults or those that need to be more upright  . The manual wheelchairs can go in the water.

We advise that wheelchair users need 2 able bodied helpers to help through the soft sand. The organisation of this service is provided by a group of volunteers who are resident in Bamburgh. We will meet you with the wheelchair and show you the best route to the beach. You can then arrange to return the wheelchair at the end of the day. Please be aware that unfortunately our volunteers will not be able to help with pushing the wheelchairs.

Please note: The weight limit for the electric Trekinetic wheelchair is 18 stone, with the width of the seat being 40cm. Battery life varies between 1-2hrs. There is an approx. 500-600m route down to the beach with a variety of uneven surfaces and soft sand to navigate.

If you would like to loan one of these wheelchairs free of charge during your visit to Bamburgh please go to the BOOKINGS PAGE on this website and select which wheelchair you would like to book. You can also call the main BANE telephone number on 0300 9994444. 

BANE website

Photos of our Facilities

Hippocamp wheelchair

X8 wheelchair


De-Bug Wheelchair

Find Bamburgh Wheelchairs


You will find us just off Bamburgh Green between the castle and the sand dunes. Our wheelchair hut is by the playground and tennis courts to the left of the Cricket Pavillion. Loan of equipment at this site must be booked in advance.

Nearest town


Post code

NE69 7DF


While you are using the beach access wheelchair you have special permission to park on Bamburgh green near the wheelchair hut, to the left of the cricket Pavillion as you look at it.

Access to the beach

Access from our wheelchair hut takes you down a bumpy road, onto The Wynding and then through the dunes to the beach. This means crossing an expanse of soft sand so the initial push to the beach can be quite difficult and needs to be considered when preparing for a visit.   While the beach shelves slightly towards the sea it is relatively flat and sandy for the full length of it. We advice you to save some energy (and Trekinetic battery power) for the way back as it's uphill!

When the tide is high there can be very little beach to make use of, so it’s always advisable to check the tides before you come. You can do this using The Beach Guide website Opens in a new window.


At Bamburgh, we usually have

Please be aware the equipment available may change as we sometimes move equipment between sites.


Public toilet facilities are available in both Church Street & Links car park. Both have a disabled toilet operated by radar key. We will soon have a changing places opening up in Bamburgh walled garden in Summer 2024.


Dogs are welcomed on the beach all year round. For detailed information you can check Northumberland County Council Website Opens in a new window.

About the area

The stunning Bamburgh beach stretches over a mile. It is widely used for a variety of water sports. Our newly renovated play-park is wheelchair accessible and has several pieces of adapted equipment such as a swing and wheelchair accessible roundabout.